Courses & Workshops
North London's Longest running
Baby Massage and Baby yoga Courses!
Also Booking private courses for antenatal groups
Online courses with limited number of spaces for face to face classes
**Limited spaces - book early **
Face to Face and Online courses available -
Antenatal groups and 1-2-1 groups also available at a time to suit you. Contact us for more details.
If you are group of friends or an NCT group that would like to meet every week, why not arrange to do the classes in the comfort of your own home or find you a suitable location to suit your group. Group discounts apply and we cover all of North and North West London as well as Herts so please call us today with your group enquiry.
If you would prefer a private one to one or daddy class in your own home, please contact me and we can arrange a suitable time according to your baby's routine.
Grab your baby and come along to one of our new post-natal yoga courses.
Taking care of mums as well as babies!!
The courses cost £60 for 5 week courses and this includes everything you need such as mats, cushions, towels and handouts.
Group discounts apply- call or email for more information
To book either email us
Terms and Conditions
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Once courses are booked we require a minimum of 6 days notice for any cancellations, minus a 10% admin fee. If less than 6 days notice is received, North London Baby Massage and Yoga reserves the right to charge half of the course fee. Once the courses have started we do not offer refunds.
Private and Confidential
All personal information provided by you on our booking forms will be kept Private and confidential and we will never share your details with other companies. If you do not wish to receive any emails from us you are entitled to request removal from the mailing list by sending us an email.
The contents and pictures of this site are owned by North London Baby Massage and Yoga and You do not have the right to copy or reproduce any part of this site for your personal use without prior permission from us.