Terms and Conditions
You confirm that you and your child are able to take part in our Classes.
By booking a place on one of our courses or attending a Class, you agree that both you and any child under your care or supervision are able to take part in our Classes and that it would not be harmful to either your or your child’s health, safety, comfort or physical condition to do so. Please note, we will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage suffered where you do not tell us about a medical condition, or you or the child do an activity which you are aware (or should have been aware) would, or might be, detrimental to you or the child.
Please note the health questions at the time of booking will need to be filled in and any further conditions that arise during the weeks of the course, should be highlighted to the class teacher as soon as possible.
You and your child use our Services at your own risk.
You and any child for which you are responsible use our Services and attend our Classes at your own risk and you are responsible for supervising any child in your care at all times (including during Classes). As long as we have provided the Services with reasonable skill and care, we will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or a child for whom you are responsible as a consequence of you not following our instructions during the provision of our Classes or Services.
You shall not allow your child to attend a Class if they are ill.
You must not bring your child to a class in the following circumstances:
they have had a fever or a cough within the 7 days prior to the Class;
they have had an upset stomach or diarrhoea in the 48 hours prior to the Class;
they have heavy nasal discharge;
they have discharging eyes; or
they have symptoms of a possible communicable disease, including, but not limited to, Covid-19, measles, chicken pox, German measles, whooping cough, impetigo, scarlet fever, hand foot and mouth disease or norovirus.
You must comply with our policies and procedures.
You must comply with, and ensure that your child complies with, any policies and procedures which we communicate to you from time to time in relation to the Services. This may include (but shall not be limited to) policies in relation to health and safety.
Providing the Services
Services may vary from time to time.
Our Services (including the timetables for, and the content of, our Classes) will be as set out on our website from time to time. Please note that the provision of our Services are subject to change.
Classes may be provided individually or as a Course
When you place an order, you may purchase individual Classes, or you may purchase a set of Classes together as a course
When you purchase Classes individually.
Each Class will be provided on the date stated in our acceptance of your booking and confirmation email.
When you purchase a course of Classes.
Your Course will commence on the date of the first Class. We will supply our Services to you until either the Services are completed and your course expires, or this Contract is otherwise brought to an end by you or us under these terms.
We are not responsible for delays outside our control.
If our supply of the Services is delayed by an event outside our control then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. These steps may include offering rescheduled dates for the Classes or classes online instead.
Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event and therefore no refunds will be available.
If you do not allow us to provide Services.
If you miss a Class, we are unable to provide a refund for any Services which you paid for but did not receive. Where possible we may invite you to make up the session on another course.
What will happen if you do not give required information to us.
We may need certain information from you so that we can supply the Services to you, for example, the names of any children attending our Classes, existing medical conditions, and any immunisations given to your child. We will not be responsible for supplying the Services late or not supplying any part of them if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it. These questions will be covered on the health form during the booking process.
Your rights if we suspend the supply of Services. We will contact you in advance to tell you we will be suspending supply of the Services, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. If we have to suspend the Services for any substantial period of time, we will adjust the price so that you do not pay for Services while they are suspended.
No automatic right to a refund. Unless you are cancelling your place more than 14 days before the start of the course, you shall not be entitled to a refund in any respect.
Cancellations within 14 Days of course starting - 95% refund
Cancellations within 7 Days of course starting - 50% refund
Cancellations within 2 days of course starting - 30% refund
No refunds once the course has started.
Please check the course dates and times and ensure you are able to attend the sessions.
If you wish to transfer your Class place.
If you wish to transfer your Class place, you must contact your Class teacher not less than 3 days prior to the date of the relevant Class. You can only transfer a full course/ full session. Transfers will not be acceptable once the course has started.
Covid Terms and Conditions
Please do advise us if you are not feeling well by sending us a text message that morning to 07958705282.
If you feel unwell after the sessions please also do advise us.
We will be keeping a weekly register to keep track of who has attending our sessions for the purposes of being able to contact you should we need to.
The venue owners may close the venue at short notice due to a lockdown being re-introduced by the government or if there is a case of suspected corona virus at the venue and they need to perform a deep clean. If this does affect our sessions, we will continue to run the same sessions online via zoom and send out details at the earliest possible time.
There will be a one way system in place at the venue and social distancing from the entrance until you depart. Please note the car park has limited places and we ask you only park in the designated places not blocking the entrance. If there are mums and babies coming in and out of the venue please remain in your car until the car park is empty to allow for social distancing. Where possible please do not bring buggies into the building unless you are walking. buggies will need to be brought into the main hall with you.
Please sanitise your hands as you come in and as you leave.
Yoga Mats will be spaced out ready as you come in. Please select a mat and lay down your own towel on the mat before placing baby down. All Mats are sanitised before and after each session.
The Kitchen at the venue will be closed so please provide your own bottles of water, as required.
Please note once the session is over you can depart via the fire exit in the main hall and we ask you do not gather in the hallway or the car park. usually we allow mums to stay and feed where necessary but as the venue is not allowing us to use the spare rooms we would request you feed when back home.
We will provide you with bottles of oil for you to keep and bring back each week.